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Gareth Coker
Gareth Coker
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Heart of the Hero
Fenyx's Dawn
The Chains of Prometheus
The Observatory
Trouble in the Clashing Rocks
Messenger of the Gods
The Storm
Hall of the Gods
Aulos of Tartaros
Goddess of Wisdom
Grove of Kleos
Art of Warfare
Traversing Tartaros
play nas selecionadas
"High" Priest
8-Bits, Pieces & Chunks (City)
A Ballad for the Gambler's Bride
A Closer Understanding of the Past
A Craftsman's Climb
A Family Feud
A Keepsake from the Past
A Look Inside
A Message
A Secret Beneath the Sea
A Shine Upon Inkwater Marsh
A Showcase of Power
A Snowy Skirmish
A Stirring of Memories
A Sword and a Strike
A View of Beauty
A Warrior Seeks Higher Ground
A Yearning for the Sky
Affray in the Valley
Agile Accelerando (Tumble)
Airship Adventurers (Steampunk)
Ajax's Fort
Any Coin On Ya
Aphrodite - Goddess of Love (Overworld)
Aphrodite's Palace
Aphrodite's Trial of Blessing
Aphrodite's Trial of Mystery
Apollo - God of Music and the Lyre (Overworld)
Approaching the Ruins
Ares - God of War (The End)
Ares's Trial of Blessing
Ares's Trial of Mystery
ARK Genesis Part One Countdown (Bonus)
ARK Genesis Part One End Credits
ARK Genesis Part One Main Theme
ARK Genesis Part One Teaser Trailer (Bonus)
Arrival at the Sunstone
Art of Warfare
Artemis - Goddess of the Wilderness (Nether)
Ash and Bone
At the Fishing Hole
Athena's Ascent
Athena's Trial of Blessing
Athena's Trial of Mystery
Aulos of Tartaros
Avatar of Murderous winds, the Legendary Da Feng
Aviation (Excalibur 2)
Ballad of Barrendale Mesa
Baron's Rest
Baur's Peak
Baur's Reach
Beat Around the Block (City)
Born to Arms (Fantasy)
Breakneck Boogie (Tumble)
Britomartis - Goddess of the Hunt (Battle)
Came to Bury at White Wharf
Canyon Clearance (Canyon 1)
Celtic Crossing (Celtic 1)
Champion of the Dark
Champions Rising
Chang'an - Perpetual Peace (Overworld)
Chop Chop (Tumble)
Clashing Rocks
Cleansing the Rot
Climbing Further Up the Ginso Tree
Clockwork Crafter (Steampunk)
Conflict in the War's Den
Confronting Immortality
Confronting the Ram
Corrupted Master Controller
Crafter's Candy Canes (Festive)
Crusaders (Fantasy)
Dance of the Blocks (Shrunk)
Danxia Rainbow Mountains (Overworld)
Daphne's Trap
Dark Clouds on the Horizon
Dash Through Their Home
Dashing and Bashing
Dashing on the Double (Tumble)
Dawn Valley
Decisive Duel
Demacian Winds
Demeter - God of Farming (Overworld)
Demon's Bargain
Departures (Map 7)
Desert Duel (Frontier)
Desolate Beauty
Devilfish on the Line
Devourer of Innocent Hearts, the Legendary Yayu
DJ Cheep Tuna's Super Slime Unicorn Rainbow Dragon Castle (Remix)
Double Time (Tumble)
Down on the Docks
Echoes of Longing
Eggcellent Adventure
Escape with the Memory of the Forest
Escaping a Foul Presence
Escaping the Sandworm
Excalibur Excursion (Excalibur 1)
Excavation Site
Exitium (Anarchist) [feat. Tina Guo]
Exploring Tartaros
Facing One's Fate
Facing the Dark (alternate)
Fading of the Light
Fenyx's Dawn
Fight Songs from the Flower Planet
Fleeing Kuro (alternate)
Fleet Streets
Flight of Fancy (Map 3)
Forgotten History x Motion's Whisper
Forward Momentum (unused)
From District to District (City)
Gaia's Soul
Galaxy Encounter
Gates of Tartaros
Gathering of Legends (Heroes' Farewell)
Ghosts in the Tower (Halloween)
Giftwrapped (Festive)
Glide (Map 1)
Glorious Hall of the Gods
God of the Forges
God of War
Goddess of Love
Goddess of Wisdom
Gong Gong, Leader of the Yan Di Tribe
Good Day for a Fright
Grey Harbor
Grove of Kleos
Hades & Persephone - Gods of the Underworld (Nether)
Hall of the Gods
Hanging Monastery (Overworld)
Happy Halloween (Halloween)
Hastilude (Fantasy)
Have You Ever Killed Someone You Love
Have You Seen 'Em (The Devil With Two Coats)
Heart of the Hero
Heavy Artillery
Heights of Hermes
Hephaestus - God of the Forge (Nether)
Hephaistos's Trial of Blessing
Hephaistos's Trial of Mystery
Hermes - The Messenger God (Overworld)
Hermes's Tale
Hermes's Trial of Blessing
Hermes's Trial of Mystery
Hermes's Trials
Hero of the Frejlord
Hestia - Goddess of the Hearth (Overworld)
Hiding from Kuro
Homados - God of Battlenoise & Tumult (Battle)
Honor and Thieves
Horn of Abolition
Hotan Ruins (Nether)
House of Reckoning
Huodou, Hound of Firelords
Iactus Ignis (Anarchist) [feat. Tina Guo]
Icaria (Icarus 2)
In the Flow (Map 4)
In Wonderment of Winter
Industrial Quarter (City)
Intorqueo (Kineticist) [feat. Bonnie Brooksbank]
Jinshan Temple (Overworld)
King of Gods
King's Peak
King's Tragedy x Champions Call
Know My Legend
Kottos the Mythical Hekatonchires
Ku's First Flight
Kunlun Mountains (Overworld)
Kwolok's Hollow
Kwolok's Malaise
Kwolok's Throne Room
Launch Trailer (unused) - 60 seconds
Lei Ze Skywell
Lelantos - God of Moving Unseen (Battle)
Lickety Split (Tumble)
Locomotion (Body 1)
Love Evolved (Bonus)
Luma Pools
Lunar (Light)
Magnificent Machines (Steampunk)
Maijishan Grotto (Nether)
Main Theme
Main Theme - Definitive Edition
Master Builder (Shrunk)
Medusa the Mythical Gorgon
Meet Me at Butcher's Bridge
Meeting Kwolok
Memories of Ionia
Messenger of the Gods
Metagalactic Mauraders
Midnight Burrows
Missions 1 (Intense)
Missions 1 (Light)
Missions 2 (Intense)
Missions 2 (Light)
Missions 3 (Intense)
Missions 3 (Light)
Mobile Maneuvers (Body 3)
Mora the Spider
Mount Horu Puzzle Rooms - Suite 1
Mount Horu Puzzle Rooms - Suite 2
Mount Huaguo (Overworld)
Mountains of Boats and Houses
Mountains of Infinite Longevity (Overworld)
My Brother's Shadow
Naru's Origins I - Her Home
Naru's Origins II - A Friendship Formed
Naru's Origins III - A Broken Bond
Never Center of the Desert
Ni Hong
Nimbly Does It (Tumble)
Now There is Only Dark
Now Use the Light, We Want to See!
Nuwa The Goddess
Obtundo (Kineticist) [feat. Bonnie Brooksbank]
Odysseus Trial
Once He Was Viego
Opening Scenes (unused)
Ori, Embracing the Light
Overlooking the Mill
Ozomene the Mythical Harpy
Pacy Piloting (Shrunk 3)
Pixiu (Chinese Mythology 2)
Pocket's Lookin' Light
Polyphemos the Mythical Cyclop
Poseidon - God of the Sea (Overworld)
Praecisione (Blackjack) [feat. Mimi Page]
Precincts at Night (City)
Pride of Buhru
Progression and Passage (Canyon 2)
Pronto (Tumble)
Protector Drakon Ismenios
Protector of the Grove
Punishment of Atlas
Pushing Back the Terror
Rat Town Scramble
Remaining in Darkness
Resolution in Paradise
Returning to the Spirit Tree
Revenge of the Reaver King
Rise Against Ruin
Riven Gate
Roaming Wanderer (Canyon 3)
Rolling Through the Forest (prototype)
Root and Shadow
Runnin' From Lariette
Salt and Bile
Sanctuary in the Glades
Sanctum I
Sanctum II
Scattered, Hunted, Defeated.
Seer of Ancient Sin, The legendary Sheng Sheng
Seikilos' Epitaph
Separated by the Storm
Settling the Score
Sha Wujing (Battle)
Shadows of Mouldwood
Shadows on the Walls
Shantytown Shuffle
Shriek and Ori
Shriek's Tale
Shrine of the Fates
Shrunk Soaring (Shrunk 1)
Silent Auditorium
Silent Woodlands
Sky Dragon's Grave
Solving riddles
Something Stirring in the Mist
Something's Buried Here
Soothing Voyage (Map 2)
Spawn In (Genesis Part One)
Spiritus Cultris (Blackjack) [feat. Mimi Page]
Spout Forth
Stains on the Floorboards
Steaming Superstructures (Steampunk)
Still Searching
Strength of the Forest
Summer Bash (Bonus)
Sun Wukong (Battle)
Sunset Riders (Frontier)
Swallows Nest
Swift Descent (Tumble)
Tao Wu
Tartaros Trials
Teeth in the Dark
Tense Takeoff (Map 6)
Terracotta Army (The End)
Test of Mettle
The Ancient Wellspring
The Archives
The Awakening
The Blessed Isles
The Blood Harbor Ripper
The Buhru Grotto
The Chain Warden
The Chains of Prometheus
The Corrupted Heroes
The Darkness Lifted
The Deep Ocean
The Devourer
The Dudebro King Poseidon
The Eyes of Kwolok
The Eyes of the Forest
The False One
The Flames of Yan Di
The Forgeland
The Garden (prototype)
The Gods' Vault
The Harbinger
The Harrowing of Grey Harbor
The Heart Knows It's Safe
The Heavenly Kingdom
The Homesick Flame Hestia
The King Sees All
The Library of Agony
The Lonely God Boreas
The Many Workshops
The Mists Cleared
The Observatory
The Obsessive Gardener Poseidon
The Ocean Bog
The Ocean Bog (Light)
The Outlaw (Frontier)
The Peace Forge
The Prophecy
The Queen of Bilgewater
The Road
The Ruined King
The Schemer Hades
The Shadow Isles
The Snowstorm Mountain
The Snowstorm Mountain (Light)
The Song of the Crane
The Song of the Crane (Instrumental)
The Spirit Willow
The Storm
The Story of Niwen
The Towering Mountain
The Trial of the Goddess
The Valley of Eternal Spring
The Weeping Ridge
The Windswept Wastes
The Windtorn Ruins
There Will Be Consequences
Through the Darkness
Tianma (Chinese Mythology 3)
Tianxi Mountains (Overworld)
Time is of the Essence (Tumble)
Title Screen (prototype)
Title Screen (unused)
Tour of Tors (Celtic 2)
Toys on a Tear (Shrunk)
Trailer - Definitive Edition
Trailer - E3 2014 Announcement
Trailer - Launch Trailer
Travelling Through Horu Fields
Traversing Tartaros
Trial of Rage's Initiation
Trial of Rampage's Initiation
Tribulations at the Gate of Tartaros
Trouble in the Clashing Rocks
Trouble Within
Truth Bearer
Tsaparang (Nether)
Turbulentus (Anarchist) [feat. Tina Guo]
Turn, Turn, Turn Again
Typhon's Lair
Unblocking the Way
Uncertain Dread
Unity Shrine
Vaframentum (Blackjack) [feat. Mimi Page]
Velocity and Dynamism (Body 2)
Vis Animi (Kineticist) [feat. Bonnie Brooksbank]
Volcanic Region
Volcanic Region (Light)
War's Den
Warped World (Halloween)
We Do It Together
We Named Her Ku
We Stand Against the Dark
Welcome to the Family
White Dragon Horse (Battle)
Wicked Wings (Shrunk 2)
Willow's End
Winds of the Past
Wings of Daedalus (Icarus 1)
Wonderful Wings (Map 5)
Wondrous Workshop (Festive)
Yinglong (Chinese Mythology 1)
Zeus & Hera - King and Queen of the Gods (Overworld)
Zeus's Trial of Blessing
Zeus's Trial of Mystery
Zhu Baije (Battle)
Ori and the Blind Forest (Original Soundtrack)
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