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Harry Christophers
Chandos Anthem No. 3, HWV 248, "Have mercy upon me": Sonata
Chandos Anthem No. 3, HWV 248, "Have mercy upon me": Sonata
Harry Christophers
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Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": Sonata
Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands (Tenor & Chorus)
Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": Serve the Lord with gladness, and come from his presence with a song (C
Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": Be ye sure that the Lord he is God (Soprano & Tenor)
Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts wit
Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting (Soprano, Tenor & Ba
Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": Glory be to the Father, glory be to the son (Chorus)
Chandos Anthem No. 1, HWV 246, "O, be joyful in the Lord": As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be (Chorus)
Chandos Anthem No. 2, HWV 247, "In the Lord put I my trust": Sonata
Chandos Anthem No. 2, HWV 247, "In the Lord put I my trust": In the Lord I put my trust! (Chorus)
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Chandos Anthem No. 3, HWV 248, Have mercy upon me: Sonata
Harry Christophers