Yes, yes, yes!
You're about to listen to the beginning
This album is 44 minutes long and it's best listened to the first time through, all the way through with no distractions
That means no e-mail, no text, no social media
So if you don't have 44 minutes of time right now, I politely ask you, "Come back later and turn this off."
I love you
I wrote this album when I was trying to alchemize the grief and pain in my life into beauty
It's been a long time since we spoke. A lot has happened since my father died and I walked across America trying to figure out what was wrong, but I speak to you today in a different place, a place of joy and faith, and love
This album was my attempt to remind you that there are rainbows in your life, while admitting the sun does not alway shine
If you are listening to this I also wanna invite you to join the inner bloom community. It's free of charge and every week we alchemize pain into beauty
Go to and I'd love to see you there. Until then, keep going and remember: it's a beautiful day to be alive
compositores: Mike Posner
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