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Nicholas Britell
Nicholas Britell
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Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation
Estampie - Eastcheap
Song of Hal: Strings in C# Minor
Tetrachord - War and Fate
Canticle in E Minor
Hymn - Mvmt 1: Prelude
Ballade in F# Minor: Trebuchets
Song of Hal: Strings in B Minor
Ballade in B-flat Minor: Descent
Marche - Agincourt
Hymn - Mvmt 2: Lament
Tetrachord - Rex
Hymn - Mvmt 3: Elegy
Song of Hal: Conclusio in C Minor
play nas selecionadas
?Sorry, Pinky?
?Tuscany? Suite for Piano and Bass
?Tuscany? Suite for Piano and Orchestra
A Great Tribute / She's Here
A Man About A Horse
A Piacere - Orchestra
A Soldier
A Spirited Nature
Adagio in C Minor
Ain't Nothing in this World Black Folk Can't Do
Allegro in C Minor
Amos Sees Arieh
Andante Agitato - End Credits - ?The Raid?
Andante Con Moto - Piano and Strings - "Vaulter"
Andante Con Moto - String Orchestra Variation
Andante Con Moto - Strings in E-flat Minor
Andante in C Minor
Andante in C Minor - Main Theme Strings Variation
Andante in C Minor - Solo Piano
Andante Moderato - End Credits - "Amen"
Andantino for Brass and Orchestra in B Minor
Apollonian Embers
Aria (feat. Julia Bullock)
Arieh Goes Out
Arnold Ridgeway
Arrival At The Hangar
As Long As You Need
Atmosphere in B Minor
Austerlitz - Allegretto
Austerlitz - Allegro Moderato
Ballade in B-flat Minor: Descent
Ballade in C# Minor: Coronation
Ballade in F# Minor: Trebuchets
BASH Corporate Ident - "Liif"
Battle of Corinth
Bell and Pizzicato Fantasia
Bell Atmospheres
Boar On The Floor
But I Am
C-5 Galaxy
Caesar's Theme
Caesar's Theme (feat. David Hughey) [Foundation Track]
Caesar's Theme (Foundation Track)
Call me Cruella (Instrumental Version)
Canticle in E Minor
Cello Quintet in C Minor - "Tern Haven"
Cicada Spirit (Foundation Track)
Clarinets and Strings
Come Down Here (feat. David Hughey)
Concerto Grosso in C Minor + End Credits - "You Have To Be A Killer"
Concerto Grosso in C Minor - Ripieno Strings
Contredanse - "Shiv's Move"
Cruella - Disney Castle Logo
Cut of Yo' Jib
Dance of Death: Gavotte
Dark Minuet
Descending Piece
Dolce Pianos and Strings - "Il Viaggio?
Don't Look Up - End Credits Suite
Don't Look Up - Main Title Suite (Bonus Track)
Don't Look Up - Main Title Theme
Emma Jane
Estampie - Eastcheap
Ethel / No Choice
Everything's Going So Well
Fanny Briggs (feat. Julia Bullock)
FEMA-BASH Commercial
Finding Home
Fire for the Kindling
Found Him
Furioso in F Minor
Get It Open / Moths
Ghost Tunnel
Glass Boxes
Goodbye, Estella
Hanging the Deserters
House of Baal
Hymn - Mvmt 1: Prelude
Hymn - Mvmt 2: Lament
Hymn - Mvmt 3: Elegy
Hyperobject Approaches
I Am (Reprise)
I Like to Make an Impact
I Think You're Something
I'm Cruella
I'm Free
Impromptu No. 1 for Strings - End Credits - ?Chiantishire?
Impromptu No. 1 in C Minor for Piano
Impromptu No. 2 for Piano and Orchestra
In Aeternum
Intermezzo in C Minor - "Money Wins"
Intermezzo in C Minor - Piano and Double Bass
It All Comes Down To This
It Must Be Searched
It's A Strange Glorious World
It's Time
John Madison Knight
July 1863 / Loyalty Oath
Kate Goes Home
Kendall's Departure - "This Is Not For Tears"
Killing the Colonel
L to the OG (feat. Kendall Roy)
Larghetto - Piano, Celesta, Strings - "Kendall's Return"
Largo Doloroso - Strings
Last Rites
Let There Be Light
Logic Waltz In B Major (Bonus Track)
Mabel Violins (Foundation Track)
Maestoso - Piano Solo
Maestoso - String Orchestra - "To The Press Conference"
Marche - Agincourt
Memento Mori
Milan - Promenade
Million Dollar Home Run
Minuet in B Minor
Moderato Con Brio - Violin Sextet
Moderato Con Brio for Violin, Harp, and Orchestra
My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me
My Brother James
Mysterium - Strings
Nocturne - Piano and Strings
Ode To Science (Bonus Track)
Oh, That's a Hybrid
Oh, That's Why You're Peeved
On Hold
Opening Music
Orchestral Waltz (Bonus Track)
Penny Candies
Perfect Charity
Piney Woods Swamp
Pioneer on the Mountain
Portrait of Cora Randall (Foundation Track)
Power - Instrumental
Putting the Dresses in the Safe
Queen of Egypt
Red Hair Dye
Resurrection (Outro)
Revenge / Let's Begin
Ricercare - Strings and Voices - Bonus Track
Roman's Beat - "Hearts"
Rondo in F Minor for Piano and Orchestra - "Kendall's Journey"
Rondo in F Minor for Solo Piano - "Kendall's Summit"
Rondo in F Minor for String Orchestra
Royal Gone
Satyricon - Instrumental
Scherzo in F Minor - Piano and Bass
Scherzo in F Minor - Strings
Searching (Foundation Track)
Searching in B Minor (Foundation Track)
Serenade in E-Flat Major
Serenata - "Il Viaggio"
She Jumped!
Sinfonietta in A Minor - Strings Variation - ?The Photo?
Somewhere Up There
Song of Hal: Conclusio in C Minor
Song of Hal: Strings in B Minor
Song of Hal: Strings in C# Minor
South Carolina - Social Waltz No. 1
Strings + 808 + Beat
Strings Con Fuoco
Succession (Main Title Theme)
Succession (Main Title Theme) (Extended Intro Version)
Succession - End Title Theme - Brass Quintet Variation
Succession - End Title Theme - Piano and Cello Variation
Succession - End Title Theme - Strings and Winds Variation
Swing Sequence
Taking Daniel Home
TCA (Early Sketch)
Tetrachord - Rex
Tetrachord - War and Fate
Thanksgiving (Overture To Logic And Knowledge)
That'a Girl
The Angle
The Arrest
The Baroness Needs Looks
The Baroque Ball
The BASH Launch
The BASH Presentation
The Call
The Cliff
The Comet Appears
The Drive to London
The End?
The Free State of Jones
The Freedom Trail
The Gospel of Jasper
The Great Spirit
The Journey
The Journey (Reprise)
The Launch
The Letter
The Monk's Tale
The Most Dreadful Accident
The Necklace
The Prayer For Stuff
The Pursuit of Happiness
The Soldier's Tale
The True Story of Cruella's Birth
Theme Variation - Piano, Orchestra, 808
There Is A Comet
They Took Everything
This Is Science
Three Banjos
Throw Me Anywhere, Lord (feat. Joe Solomon) [Early Sketch]
Twenty-Four Drones Is Enough
Valentine Trio No. 2
Voter Suppression
War Footage
Waystar Royco Corporate Identity - "Feel It!"
Welcome to Your Future
When A Lady Enters
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