A banda Liars acaba de lançar um novo álbum, intitulado “Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg”. Trata-se do registro do show realizado em Nova York, que fez parte da última turnê do grupo, que promoveu o disco “Sisterworld”.
Ao todo o projeto apresenta 16 canções, entre elas “Scissor”, “I Still Can See An Outside World” e “Scarecrows On A Killer Slant”, do último disco de estúdio, e alguns sucessos já consagrados como “Hold Hands and It Will Happen Anyway”, “Broken Witch” e “The Garden Was Crowded And Outside”.
A seguir as faixas que compõem “Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg”:
1.“I Still Can See An Outside World”
2. “Clear Island”
3. “A Visit From Drum”
4.” We Fenced Other Gardens With The Bones Of Our Owns”
5. “Scissor”
6. “The Overachievers”
7. “No Barrier Fun”
8. “Scarecrows On A Killer Slant”
9. “Sailing To Byzantium”
10. “Here Comes All the People”
11. “Plaster Casts Of Everything”
12. “Hold Hands And It Will Happen Anyway”
13. “Proud Evolution”
14. “Freak Out”
15. “The Garden Was Crowded And Outside”
16. “Broken Witch”