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Pia Bernauer
Pia Bernauer
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Intro & About - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The day of wrath! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Movies are about life - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Killing Eve - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Bloody movies - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
This is dramatic! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Yet another bloody movie! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The godfather of classical music - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Bringing classical music to millions of people - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
An exceptional violinist - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The perfect show to watch with your grandmother - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Happy music - Dangerous scene - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The biggest Star Wars fan - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
John Williams taking inspiration from Gustav Holst - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
No, I don't like it! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
play nas selecionadas
A little theme going through all the instruments (SOCM 3)
A special wish of yours (SOCM 3)
An exceptional violinist - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
An intense form of anger (SOCM 2)
An interesting question and not so easy to answer (SOCM 2)
An orchestra on speed (SOCM 3)
Bloody movies - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Bombastic music (SOCM 3)
Bringing classical music to millions of people - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Building up, falling down (SOCM 3)
Feeling what the composer felt (SOCM 3)
Genius Beethoven (SOCM 3)
Grief (SOCM 2)
Happiness and thankful feelings (SOCM 2)
Happy music - Dangerous scene - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
He sang it the night before he died (SOCM 3)
Hope at the end of the tunnel (SOCM 2)
How to prevent people from falling asleep in slow movements (SOCM 2)
I almost got tears in my eyes (SOCM 3)
I know you love it (SOCM 3)
If you can connect with it, you like it! (SOCM 2)
Intro & About - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Intro (SOCM 2)
Intro (SOCM 3)
Is classical music's structure harder to get into? (SOCM 3)
It connects me to something which was much greater and bigger than me (SOCM 3)
It still looks so modern! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
It's up to the listener (SOCM 2)
John Williams taking inspiration from Gustav Holst - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Joy & Happiness (SOCM 2)
Karajan and his famous Beethoven recordings (SOCM 2)
Killing Eve - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Latin. Love it or hate it. (SOCM 3)
Let's dive into human emotions (SOCM 2)
Let's finish our episode with a surprise (SOCM 2)
Let's move on before we get too philosophical (SOCM 3)
Listen to the wonderful crescendo! (SOCM 3)
Love (SOCM 2)
Love hurts (SOCM 2)
Movies are about life - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
No, I don't like it! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Not every conductor does it the same way (SOCM 3)
Passion (SOCM 2)
Rage (SOCM 2)
Roundtrip through Italy (SOCM 3)
So much going on (SOCM 3)
Solving the riddles (SOCM 2)
Surprise! (SOCM 2)
Surviving the storm (SOCM 2)
That was chaotic! (SOCM 3)
The biggest Star Wars fan - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The day of wrath! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The godfather of classical music - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The interpretation matters! (SOCM 2)
The perfect show to watch with your grandmother - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The secret national anthem of Austria - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
The Süssmayr street (SOCM 3)
This is dramatic! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
Tune in for the next episode! (SOCM 2)
Wagner's Ring (SOCM 2)
Watching the sunrise while climbing the mountain (SOCM 3)
What does 'Requiem' mean ? (SOCM 3)
When are you in rage (SOCM 2)
Who are the Valkyries (SOCM 2)
Who can follow Beethoven_ Mozart! (SOCM 3)
Without rage nothing will change! (SOCM 2)
Yet another bloody movie! - Spin on Classical Music (SOCM 1)
You can't cut the Beethoven! (SOCM 2)
You can't cut the piece before fate comes in! (SOCM 3)
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