The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 1, The Heavens are Telling the Glory of God
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compositores: Franz Joseph Haydn
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- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 1, The Marv?llous Work Beholds
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 1, And God said
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 1, With Verdure Clad the Fields Appear Delightful
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 1, The Heavens are Telling the Glory of God
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 2, And God said: Let the Waters
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 2, On Mighty Pens Uplifted
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 2, Most Beautiful Appear
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 2, Achieved is the Glorious Work
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 3, By Thee with Bliss
- The Creation, Hob.XXI:2: Pt. 3, Our Duty We Have Now Performed