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Shane & Shane
Shane & Shane
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Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts)
Psalm 45 (Fairest of All)
Psalm 34 (Taste and See)
Psalm 51 (Wisdom in the Secret Heart)
Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful)
Psalm 98 (Sing Unto the Lord)
Psalm 91 (On Eagles' Wings)
Psalm 63 (Better Than Life)
Psalm 16 (Fullness of Joy)
Take Over
Psalm 27 (One Thing)
Psalm 23 (Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy)
O Come to the Altar
Open Up the Heavens
play nas selecionadas
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Accompaniment Track)
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (Instrumental)
All I Have Is Christ (Acoustic)
All the Poor and Powerless (Radio Version)
Ancient of Days
Ancient of Days (Acoustic)
As the Deer
At the Cross (Love Ran Red)
Awesome God
Be Enthroned
Be Thou My Vision (Lord You Are)
Be Thou My Vision (Lord You Are) [Accompaniment Track]
Be Thou My Vision (Lord You Are) [Acoustic]
Be Thou My Vision (Lord You Are) [Instrumental]
Because He's God
Christ Be All Around Me
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery (Accompaniment Track)
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery (Acoustic)
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery (Instrumental)
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Crown Him with Many Crowns (Accompaniment Track)
Crown Him with Many Crowns (Instrumental)
Draw Me Close
God of Ages Past
Good Good Father
Great Are You Lord
Greatest Love I've Ever Known
Hallelujah, Christ Will Come Again
Holy Spirit
How Awesome Is Your Love
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever
In the Secret
Jesus Loves Me
Knowing You
Liberty (Acoustic)
Liberty (Live)
Lift Up the Light
Living Water
Living Waters (As the Deer)
Living Waters (As the Deer) [Accompaniment Track]
Living Waters (As the Deer) [Acoustic]
Living Waters (As the Deer) [Instrumental]
Lord I Lift Your Name on High
Man of Sorrows
My Jesus I Love Thee
My Jesus I Love Thee (Accompaniment Track)
My Jesus I Love Thee (Acoustic)
My Jesus I Love Thee (Instrumental)
No Longer Slaves
No Longer Slaves (Live)
O Come to the Altar
O Come to the Altar (Live)
O Praise the Name (Live)
Oh Lord Almighty
Oh Lord Almighty (Accompaniment Track)
Oh Lord Almighty (Acoustic)
Oh Lord Almighty (Instrumental)
Only There
Open Up the Heavens
Power of the Cross
Power of the Cross (Accompaniment Track)
Power of the Cross (Acoustic)
Power of the Cross (Instrumental)
Praise the King
Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful)
Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful) [Accompaniment Track]
Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful) [Acoustic]
Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful) [Instrumental]
Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful)
Psalm 16 (Fullness of Joy)
Psalm 23 (Live)
Psalm 23 (Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy)
Psalm 27 (One Thing)
Psalm 34 (Live)
Psalm 34 (Taste and See)
Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise)
Psalm 45 (Fairest of All)
Psalm 45 (Live)
Psalm 46 (Live)
Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts)
Psalm 51 (Wisdom in the Secret Heart)
Psalm 63 (Better Than Life)
Psalm 63 (Live)
Psalm 8 (How Majestic Is Your Name)
Psalm 84 (I'm Home)
Psalm 90 (Satisfy Us with Your Love)
Psalm 91 (Live)
Psalm 91 (On Eagles' Wings)
Psalm 98 (Live)
Psalm 98 (Sing Unto the Lord)
Scandal of Grace
Seas of Crimson
So I Can Love (Radio Version)
Sometimes by Step
Song in the Night
Sovereign Over Us
Steadfast Love
Take Over
This I Believe
Trust You
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Acoustic)
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Amazing Grace)
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Amazing Grace) [Accompaniment Track]
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Amazing Grace) [Instrumental]
Without You (Acoustic)
You Make Me Brave
Your Love (Acoustic)
Your Nearness
A Worship Initiative Christmas
The Worship Initiative, Vol. 10
The Worship Initiative, Vol. 9
The Worship Initiative, Vol. 5
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