Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Just then, a duck came

Sharon Stone

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compositores: Sergei Prokofiev

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  1. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Once upon a time
  2. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Early one morning
  3. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - On the branch of a big tree
  4. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Just then, a duck came
  5. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Suddenly something caught Peter's attentio
  6. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Grandfather came out
  7. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - No sooner had Peter gone, than a big grey
  8. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Peter, in the meantime, stood behind the c
  9. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Meanwhile, Peter made a lasso
  10. Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone : Prokofiev: Peter and the wolf, Op. 67 - Narration in English, adapted by Sharon Stone - Just then, out of the woods came a hunter