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James Horner
James Horner
Trilha Sonora
todas as músicas
play nas selecionadas
Becoming One Of 'The People' Becoming One With Neytiri
Gathering All The Na'vi Clans For Battle
Jake Enters His Avatar World
Jake's First Flight
Legends Of The Fall
My Heart Will Go On
Never An Absolution
Pure Spirits Of The Forest
Scorched Earth
Shutting Down Grace's Lab
The Bioluminescence Of The Night
The Destruction Of Hometree
The Plaza Of Execution
The Portrait
play nas selecionadas
"A Win, Finally!"
"Bring Down The Lion And Rest Of The Jungle Will Quake In Fear."
"Give Me The Hammer And I'll Nail 'Em Up!"
"Hard To Starboard"
"He's On A Roll Now"
"I Have Chosen You"
"I Want to Go Home" / The Forbidden City
"Men Will Fire Bullets, But God Decides Where They Land"
"My Family Is My Life ..."
"So This Is War"
"Take Her To Sea, Mr. Murdoch"
"This Is No Longer Your House"
"Time Brings All Things To Light."
"Time Brings All Things To Light... I Trust It So."
"We Have Travelled So Far, It Is Time To Return To Our Path."
"We're Cristeros Now"
"You Were A Prince"
'Dying' To Be A Ghost (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
7 Days, that's all You Got
A Bear in People's Clothes
A Broken Promise
A Building Panic
A Bullet On The Floor
A Cry for Help
A Curse Of Ghosts
A Desperate Decision (Instrumental)
A Desperate Run Through the Tunnels
A Distant Discovery (Instrumental)
A Fatal Tragedy
A Gift For Little Miss (Instrumental)
A Gift Of A Thistle (From ?Braveheart? Soundtrack)
A Healing Balm (Instrumental)
A Hero Is Born/Bye Bye Bigelow (2020 Remaster)
A Hint Of Trouble/The 'Contract' (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
A Kaleidoscope Of Mathematics (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
A Kingdom Of Oil
A Life So Changed
A Long Road Back
A More Normal Life
A National Lottery (Instrumental)
A New Family/End Credits (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
A New Land - The Future (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
A New Life For Gilead (Instrumental)
A Passage Of Time
A Promise Kept
A Proposal With Pearls / Perilous Times
A Quiet Moment...
A Red Ribbon
A Return To The Caspian, And To The Iran Of Old
A Shore Never Reached
A Sniper's War (Voice)
A Truer Love (Instrumental)
Adam's World
Aftermath and New Birth
Alfred Moves To Helena (Album Version)
Alfred, tristan, The Colonel, The Legend.. (Album Version)
Aliens: Futile Escape (From "Aliens")
All Love Can Be
All Our Lives Collide
All Work and No Play
American Tale Overture (Main Title) (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
An Illusive Quarry (Score Version)
An Insurmountable Hurdle
An Ocean Of Memories
An Offering to Tengger / Chen saves the last Wolf Pup
An Older Life
An Uncertain Future/Main Title (Instrumental)
Ancient Chinese Medicine
Anne's Memories
Ant Rodeo
Apollo 13: The Launch (From "Apollo 13")
Army Invades Town
Arson (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
As We Were Children Once
Atmosphere Station
Attempted Capture
Baby Strokes
Backstreet Beating
Bad Dreams
Bad Dreams (Alternate)
Balto Brings The Medicine! (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Battle in the Mutara Nebula
Battle In The Oil Fields
Becoming One Of 'The People' Becoming One With Neytiri
Becoming Spider-Man
Behrani's Thoughts - Long Ago
Beijing Valentine
Bell Hangers
Ben's Death
Betrayal (Voice)
Big Band On Ice
Big Russ Volunteers
Bishop's Countdown
Bitter News (Instrumental)
Boris & Balto (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Brainstorm: Michael's Gift To Karen (From "Brainstorm")
Braveheart: End Credits (From "Braveheart")
Building A New Town (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Burning the Book
Cafe Swing (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
Cambodia: i
Cambodia: ii
Cambodia: iii
Cambodia: iv
Captives (Score)
Care Of The Spitfire Grill (Instrumental)
Carrigan & Dibs (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Casper Makes Breakfast (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Casper's Lullaby (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Casper: Casper's Lullaby (From "Casper")
Cat Rumble (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Central Park (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Chechnya: i
Chechnya: ii
Chechnya: iii
Chechnya: iv
Chisolm Enrolled
Circus (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Civilisations Brought By Sea (Score)
Classroom Justice
Cliff Caught (2020 Remaster)
Cliff the Waiter (2020 Remaster)
Cliff to the Club (2020 Remaster)
Closing Credits
Closing Credits (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
Coast Guard Rescue (Instrumental)
Cocoon: The Return: Returning Home (From "Cocoon")
Combat Drop
Combat Drop (Percussion Only)
Come Josephine, In My Flying Machine
Coming Home
Coming Home From The Sea (Instrumental)
Conjuring The 'Hick' Vote
Courage Under Fire: Theme (From "Courage Under Fire")
Crucial Rendezvous (Instrumental)
Danilov's Confession (Voice)
Dark Armies from the Forest Attack
Dark Discovery / Newt's Horror
Death of A'ba
Death Of Titanic
Dedication And Windsong
Depth Charge
Descent To Lazarus (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Destined For Greatness
Devil in the Church
Diego's Goodbye
Discovering Hidden Dangers
Discovering Spiderwick's Secret Workshop
Distant Memories
Do You Like Me
Drawing Straws (Instrumental)
Dre's Gift and Apology
Dream Crusher
Early Morning
Eaten Alive
Elena and Esperanza (Instrumental)
Elena's Truth (Instrumental)
Emotions (Instrumental)
Emporer Waltz
Empty Showers
End Credits
End Title
End Title/End Credits (2020 Remaster)
Entering The City With A Future Foretold (Score)
Enterprise Clears Moorings
Entre La Luz Y El Pecado
Epilogue - The Deep and Timeless Sea
Epilogue / End Title
Epilogue And End Credits
Epilogue And End Credits (Original version)
Escape from the Glade
Ethiopia: i
Ethiopia: ii
Ethiopia: iii
Ethiopia: iv
Faraday's Ride
Farewell/Descent Into Madness (Album Version)
Father And Son
Final Confrontation
Final Contest
Final Playback / End Titles
Finding the Rocket (2020 Remaster)
First Haunting/The Swordfight (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
First Love
First Playback
First Recognition
First Wish, First Flight (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Fly Me To The Moon
Flying Away And End Credits (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
Flying Forward In Time (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Flying Szalinski
Fond Memories (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
For The Love Of A Princess (From ?Braveheart? Soundtrack)
For The Love Of A Princess from Braveheart (1995)
Freeway Crossing
Freight Train
Fresh Water
Fright Radio/Rex's Sacrifice (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Frog Darts (Score)
From Master to Student to Master
From The Forest . . . (Score)
Futile Escape
Gaining Access To The Tapes
Gathering All The Na'vi Clans For Battle
General Gorostieta
Gensis Countdown
Getting There
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
Going After Newt
Goodbye and Godspeed (Instrumental)
Goodbyes (Album Version)
Goro And Tula
Grand Demon Parade (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Grand Slam Demons (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Green River/Trek Through The Desert (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Grizzly Bear (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Growing Old (Instrumental)
Hamburger Rhumba (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
Han's Kung Fu
Hannah's Fall (Instrumental)
Hard Training
Headin' Out West (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Healing the Rift
Heritage Of The Wolf (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Hogsqueal's Warning of a Bargain with Mulgarath
Holcane Attack (Score)
Hollywood Boulevard
Hope vs Escobar
Horizon To Horizon
Horne Sacrifice
Hot Pursuit (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Hotel Escape
House Auction
House of Judgment
How Much They Miss Her
Hunting for Information
Hunting the Wolves
Hymn To The Sea
Hyperspace (Alternate Ending)
I Can't See You Anymore
In The Church
In Training (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Indian Bar
Into Town
Iron Mountain
Isabel's Murder, Recollections Of Samuel (Album Version)
Jack's Childhood
Jacket on, Jacket Off
Jake Enters His Avatar World
Jake's First Flight
Jared and Mulgarath Fight for the Chronicles
Jenna / Telegraphing The News (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Jenny (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
Jenny's Rescue (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
Jenny's Rescue (2020 Remaster)
Jerry and Peggy
Jerry's Death
Jose Saves Catorce
Jose's Martyrdom
Journey to the Spiritual Mountain
Just Another Chapter Of History (Closing Credits)
Kathy's Night
Kayitah's Death - The Soaring Hawk
Khan's Pets
Kirk's Explosive Reply
Koulikov (Instrumental)
Kung Fu Heaven
Lament (includes "A Spailpín A Rún")
Lawn Mower
Leave No Witnesses... (Instrumental)
Leaving As An Emissary
Leaving By Night
Leaving Detroit
Leaving for the Country
Leaving Port
Legends Of The Fall
Leo's Decision (Instrumental)
Let's Go Boys (Instrumental)
Lighting the Fuse
Lillian's Heart Attack
Lilly's Fate Is In These Hands
Little Wolf
Lizard at School!
Locked Up
Looking for Mr. Han
Looking For The Next Great Idea (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
Lothar Gets Wilmer (2020 Remaster)
Love Theme (2020 Remaster)
Love's Betrayal
Lucinda's Story
LV-426 (Alternate Edit / Film Version)
Magic Trick
Main Title
Main Title (2020 Remaster)
Main Title (From "Aliens")
Main Title (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
Main Title (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
Main Title (From ?Braveheart? Soundtrack)
Main Title - A Desert Truce
Main Title - Young Peter
Main Title / Balto's Story Unfolds (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Main Title/A Clear And Present Danger from A Clear And Present Danger (1994)
Main Title/Primeval Times (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Main Title/Takeoff (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
Main Titles
Making a Silk Trap
March Of The Exorcists (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Mechanical Love (Instrumental)
Mei Ying's Kiss
Memories of Mom
Michael Revealed
Michael's Gift To Karen
Monkey Mahem
My Heart Will Go On
Nearer My God to Thee
Never An Absolution
Neville and Eddie (2020 Remaster)
Neville Eavesdrops (2020 Remaster)
Neville Sinclair's House (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
Neville Sinclair's House (2020 Remaster)
New Babies (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
New Mexico, 1885
Newt Is Taken
Night Prowlers
Night Swim
Night Time
Night Visitors (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
No Longer The Hunted (Score)
No Sign Of Ghosts (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Not Just A Game Anymore
Of One Heart, Of One Mind (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
Off To War (Album Version)
Old Photos, New Memories
Once Around: A Passage Of Time (From "Once Around")
One Brother Lives, One Brother Dies
One Last Wish (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Only Faded Pictures
Oscorp Tower
Our Best Hope.... (Instrumental)
Our Last Chance - A New World
Outtakes From The Deep
Pacing the Town
Paper Blizzard
Parallel Lives, Parallel Loves
Peter's Suspicions
Petition Denied (Instrumental)
Phantom Army
Playing A Game Of "Go!" (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
Playing Basketball
Playing The Odds
Profound Loss
Prologue And Main Title
Promises - Spider-Man End Titles
Pure Spirits Of The Forest
Queen To Bishop
Race For Time
Reading The Letters (Instrumental)
Real Or Imagined? (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
Rebecca's Apartment
Rebecca's Apartment (Original With Trumpet)
Red Harvest
Releasing The Secret Weapon (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
Remembering Eli (Instrumental)
Reminiscing (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Rendezvous at Observatory (2020 Remaster)
Rendezvous at the Griffith Park Observatory (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
Rescue And Breakout
Resolution And Hyperspace
Return to the Wild
Reunion - End Title
Reunited (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
Revenge (Album Version)
Riding the Rails
Ripley's Rescue
Ripley's Rescue (Percussion Only)
Robicheaux Reunion
Rocketeer to the Rescue/End Title (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
Rogue Wave (Instrumental)
Rooftop Kiss
Rose Creek Oppression
Rosy Goes To The Doctor (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Sacha's Risk (Instrumental)
Sacred Guardian Of The Mountain
Sacred Mountain (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Sacrificial Procession (Score)
Sad News (Instrumental)
Samuel's Death (Album Version)
Saving New York
Scaling the Walls
Scorched Earth
Scorpion Attack
Screweyes' Circus/Opening Act (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Search for Clues
Setting The Trap - Staying One Step Ahead...
Seven Angels of Vengeance
Seven Riders
Shape Shifting
Sheriff Demoted
Shutting Down Grace's Lab
Small Victories (Instrumental)
So Far So Good
So Many New Worlds Revealed
South Seas Send Up (2020 Remaster)
Southampton (from the Paramount/20th Century-Fox film, Titanic)
Special Delivery (Instrumental)
Special Visitors To The Museum Of Natural History (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
St. Andrews
Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan: End Credits (From "Star Trek II")
Stealing the Map (Instrumental)
Steele's Treachery (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
Stolen Files
Stolen Votes
Strange Catch
Strange Neighbors
Strangers In The House (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
Street Slaughter
Sub-Level 3
Suicidal Rampage
Suicide Pact
Surprise Attack
Tania (End Credits) (Voice)
Tapir Hunt (Score)
Teaching Mathematics Again (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
Test Run
Testing the Rocket (2020 Remaster)
Thanksgiving Dinner (End Credits)
The "Buck-O"
The Apology
The Arrival
The Bioluminescence Of The Night
The Blowing Sands
The Bridge
The Briefcase
The Burning Ferris Wheel
The Carnival
The Changing Seasons, Wild Horses, Tristan's Return (Album Version)
The Comet's Sunrise (Instrumental)
The Complex
The Confession
The Confession (Instrumental)
The Cossack Cats (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
The Darkest Hour
The Dead City
The Death Of Padre Christopher
The Decision To Turn Around (Instrumental)
The Deposition
The Deserter
The Destruction Of Hometree
The Discovery
The Dogsled Race (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
The Dream (Instrumental)
The Dreams Of Kings
The Epidemic's Toll (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
The Equation
The Fencing Lesson (Instrumental)
The Final Confrontation
The First Lesson
The Flight of the Griffin
The Flying Circus (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
The Flying Circus (2020 Remaster)
The Forest
The Frozen Lake
The Funeral, Alone...
The Games and Escape (Score)
The Ganali Device
The Gizmo (2020 Remaster)
The Great Fire (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
The Grotto
The Helmet (2020 Remaster)
The Humanoids Attack
The Hunter Becomes The Hunted (Instrumental)
The Journey Begins (From "Balto" Soundtrack)
The Kids Wake Up/A New Day (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
The Laughing Bandit (2020 Remaster)
The Lesson
The Lighthouse - Casper & Kat (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
The Long Return Home (Instrumental)
The Long Ride Home
The Ludlows
The Lunchroom
The Machine Age (Instrumental)
The Machine Works
The Magic Spirit (Instrumental)
The Market Place (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
The Mine (Montero's Vision) (Instrumental)
The Painful Secret
The Passage Of Time, A Changing Of Seasons (Instrumental)
The Plaza Of Execution
The Portrait
The Preparations
The President's Speech (Instrumental)
The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life (From ?Braveheart? Soundtrack)
The Prize Of One's Life... The Prize Of One's Mind (From "A Beautiful Mind" Soundtrack)
The Protective Circle Is Broken...!
The Queen
The Ride (Instrumental)
The Rise To Power
The River Crossing To Stalingrad (Voice)
The Scriptorium
The Search For Another (Instrumental)
The Secret Wedding (From ?Braveheart? Soundtrack)
The Shoot-Out (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
The Shot Of A Lifetime
The Sinking
The Spider Room - Rumble in the Subway
The Storm (From "An American Tail" Soundtrack)
The Storyteller's Dream (Score)
The Tractor Factory (Instrumental)
The Train
The Transformation (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
The Trees
The Trees (Instrumental)
The Trial
The Uncles Swing/End Credits (From ?Casper? Soundtrack)
The Waves Of The Caspian Sea
The Wedding (Album Version)
The Wedding (Instrumental)
The Wonders Of Wealth
The Zeppelin (1991 Soundtrack Album/2020 Remaster)
The Zeppelin (2020 Remaster)
Thimbletack and the Goblins
Times Square And Farewell (From "Batteries Not Included" Soundtrack)
Titanic Suite
To Seattle
To The Boys (Album Version)
To The Flemish Cap (Instrumental)
To The Forest . . . (Score Version)
To The Governor's ... And Then Elena
Tornado in the Barracks (Instrumental)
Tournament Time
Town Exodus - Knife Training
Transformed (Instrumental)
Trip Upriver
Two People
Unable To Stay, Unwilling To Leave
Unwelcome Visitor
Van Der Veer's Demise
Vassili's Fame Spreads (Voice)
Verdict And Punishment
Volcano Springs
Wall Street And The Wolves
Watering the Grass
Way Out West (Fievel Goes West/Soundtrack Version)
Wearing Clothes For The First Time (Instrumental)
Welcome To New York (We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story/Soundtrack Version)
Whittington's Death
Wolfen Run To Church
Wolves Attack the Horses
Wolves Stalking Gazelles
Words Through The Sky - The Eclipse (Score)
Writing the Chronicles
Zorro's Theme (Instrumental)
Southpaw (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Enemy At The Gates - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Bicentennial Man (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The Mask of Zorro - Music from the Motion Picture
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